What’s new in SQL Server 2017

SQL Server 2017 is considered a major release in the history of the SQL Server life cycle for various reasons. From my personal point of view, SQL Server 2017 is indeed an interesting release. After writing a lot about it and testing various features of SQL Server 2017, I’d like to walk you through some of its interesting features.

SQL Server 2017 …

  1. is now on the platform of our choice; SQL Server 2017 on several Linux distros, that can run on Docker containers, and SQL VM in Azure, along with the good ol’ SQL Server on Windows.
  2. expands its reach to support Graph database technology
  3. includes automatic database tuning
  4. supports Machine Learning by adopting Python
  5. contains new dynamic management views and functions
  6. has new string functions
  7. And more…

Continue reading SQL Server 2017 top features